We are Creative Thinkers

Fee Structure 2023

Sr. No Department Name Programs Regular Fee
(Semester wise)
Self Support Fee
(Semester wise)
First Semester 2nd and onward
First Semester 2nd and onward
1 Economics BS( Economics) 33303 27113 42240 36050
MS(Economics) 42328 34888
PhD(Economics) 58265 50200
2 Islamic Studies BS (Islamic Studies) 33303 27113 42240 36050
MS (Islamic Studies) 42328 34888
PhD (Islamic Studies) 58265 50200
3 English BS (English) 33303 27113 42240 36050
MS(English) 42328 34888
PhD(English) 58265 50200
4 Urdu BS (Urdu) 33303 27113 42240 36050
MS (Urdu) 42328 34888
PhD(Urdu) 58265 50200
5 Fine Arts BFA 38553 32363 48865 42675
MS(FA) 57078 49638
PhD (FA) 77265 69200
6 Computer Science BS (IT, CS,AI) 38553 32363 48865 42675
MS (IT,CS,AI) 57078 49638
PhD (IT,CS,AI) 77265 69200
7 Management Science BBA 33303 27113 42240 36050
MBA(1.5)/ MS 42328 34888
PhD 58265 50200
8 Education BS (Education) 33303 27113 42240 36050
MS (Education) 42328 34888
PhD (Education) 58265 50200
B.ed 33303 27113 42240 36050
9 Applied Psychology BS (APSy) 35803 29613 44740 38550
MS (APSy) 54328 46888
PhD (APSy) 77265 69200
10 Chemistry BS (Chemistry) 38553 32363 48865 42675
MS(Chemistry ) 57078 49638
PhD(Chemistry) 77265 69200
11 Botany BS (Botany) 38553 32363 48865 42675
MS(Botany ) 57078 49638
PhD(Botany ) 77265 69200
12 Zoology BS (Zoology) 38553 32363 48865 42675
MS(Zoology ) 57078 49638
PhD(Zoology) 77265 69200
13 Physics BS (Physics) 38553 32363 48865 42675
MS (Physics) 57078 49638
PhD (Physics) 77265 69200
14 Mathematics BS (Mathematics) 36053 29863 46365 40175
MS(Mathematics ) 45078 37638
PhD(Mathematics) 58265 50200
15 Bio technology BS (Bio-Tech) 38553 32363 48865 42675
MS (Bio-Tech) 57078 49638
PhD (Bio-Tech) 77265 69200
16 Food Science BS (Food Sci) 38553 32363 48865 42675
MS (Food Sci) 57078 49638
PhD (Food Sci) 77265 69200